Monday, February 29, 2016


Image result for poodlePoodles are dogs that are easy to train intelligent. Poodles are odorless and are mostly hypoallergenic. Poodles range in three sizes  toy , miniature ,and standard. Poodles   have a life span of 12 to16 years old (in people years).it is required to have a lion clip hair style ir cut. Poodles come in sevral colors. If their hair is not comded it will start to dread their hair is not comded it will start to dread. 
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1.            I have one older sister

2.         I live in tampa

3.         I have a dog

4.         I am in love with my dog

5.         I love my dog

6.         I am not normal

7.          I have sevral cosins

8.         I like to fish with my parents

9.         I like to play basketball

10.     I play for my schools JV basketball team


German Shepard

  A German Shepered is a large dog that loves to play and has a increabale nose.German shepards where originated from Germany.German shepareds are usally seen in  police forces(k-9 officers).German shepereds  are also great house pets. They get along with children very well.Shepareds work as go guard dogs, seeing eye dogs,and even to help the people with depresson. These dogs help in many ways they help in many situations that include many people.  

Image result for german shepherdImage result for german shepherd

My dog

   I am in love with my dog.She is yorkshire opsa lopsa.She is paralized in her back two legs.She is the best listener I have ever seen.She gives the best hugs ever.Her name is Kelly. Kelly Page.She is truly apart of my family .My family loves very much.their is one thing thing adout her she is lazyand takes naps all day and wiats for my arival after school.We love her and she loves us back.


Yorkshires are dogs that adapt to their owners.That breed of dogs adapts to their owners needs and want they are tiny dog but they have a big personality. Yorkshires  are naturally fast,they do not play well with other animals yorkshire terriers are playful animals that are very loving dogs.

Image result for yorkshireImage result for yorkshireImage result for yorkshire

Monday, February 22, 2016

Misunderstood Pitbulls

Image result for pit bullsMost people think Pit bulls are scary but thy are just misunderstood .They are  are not bad dogs they   really just  not trusting to people.Pit bulls have a reason not to trust people .most people 


Image result for huskiesHuskies have many breeds their is the Alaskin breed, the Yorshire Husky,the pomarainan breed  they are amazing house pet they have thick cots for cool weather. They can run amazingly fast .

Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso breed is a playful,energetic,fearless,intllagint dog. A great house pet,guard dog, and compainan.These dogs have lots of talents to help poeple and the world.
Image result for lhasa apso